Atmax Filtration Elements

How to select The Right Filters Bags for your Dust Collector


Let’s talk about choosing the right filter bags for your dust collection system and why it’s critical to ensuring long term, reliable performance of your collector and the safety of your employees. Our guide will help you understand your facility’s unique dust properties and provide an overview of various filter media, construction, and treatment options available.

We’ve organized our dust collector filter bags guide into these key topics:

  • Properties of your  Dust 
  • Whether Dust needs to be Tested
  •  Types of Filter Media
  • Configuration or Style of your  Dust Collector
  • Air To Cloth ratio

What are the properties of your  Dust 

Filter Media selection will broadly depend on what is your process temperature, what is the the temperature of the dust and gases being let out. Once you find the temperature of your work environment, you can narrow down your filter media options and in many cases, and even decide if you would need apply a special coatings to the media to further improve performance.What is the chemistry of the dust , what is the abrasiveness, is it Combustible?

Dust Testing

If the Dust Is combustible, Dust testing becomes mandatory to assess the properties of your particulate and ensure proper filter selection and performance. Knowing the KST values and Pmax values. NFPA has mandated several standards for combustible dust

Commonly Used  Filter Media

  • Polyester
  • Aramid
  • Fiberglass
  • P84
  • Teflon (PTFE)

Filter media fabrics need to be selected depending upon temperature, hygroscopy, physical and chemical properties of the dust. As we have seen in the previous section, different fibers provide each media with different  performance  characteristics.

Construction Type of The Dust Collector

Whether the Baghouse is  top and bottom configurations that can be used. Some top and bottom configurations are meant for a specific baghouse style, and other configurations can be used across multiple baghouse styles.

Air-to-Cloth Ratio

Dust collector air-to-cloth ratio is important to ensure your collector will perform efficiently. Air-to-cloth ratio, is a measurement of the number of cubic feet per minute of air passing through one square foot of filter media. Correct air to cloth ratio is essential to increase filter bag life, differential pressure issues, caking issues

Finding the right filter bag can be overwhelming, confusing and time consuming. There are so many options and it’s hard to know which  will work best for your application. We are here to help!

If you’re interested in learning more about our services click here 

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