We at Atmax Filtration elements Inc are committed to:

Internal Corporate Responsibility Policy
- Comply with all the legislations of US Laws.
- Provide a safe and healthy workplace and support diversity and inclusion.
- Support local businesses with opportunities to participate.
- Develop new products, services, features, and functionality.
- Encourage our employees to volunteer via programs organized internally or externally.
- Create useful opportunities for development of skilled local workers
Environmental Policy
- Constantly Invest in R&D to develop environmentally conscious products
- Work towards the conservation of energy, water and resources in all our operations.
- Dispose of waste thoughtfully, and follow the waste hierarchy of ‘Avoid,Reduce, Reuse, Recycle’.
- Work with our entire supply chain towards holistic sustainability goals into everyday business.
- Strive to raise awareness in the community and train employees in environmental and social matters.
- Foster a Mindset and Culture of sustainably culture.